The atomic number of oxygen
An innovative start-up technology company Avrox approached us to help launch their pioneering product; an oxygen drink. The all natural drink was developed with biomedical engineers from the University of Oxford and its unique technology actually allows your body to transport more oxygen around your body. Yes, sounds like voodoo but it’s 100% legit…it’s been independently tested and we’ve seen it boost performance with top athletes. When we were approached with this project, the product had no name – we chose the number 8 as a subtle nod to it’s atomic connection to oxygen (the drink also starts working in your body in under 8 minutes too).

The drink with patented technology
Taking this unique tech by the horns we are deep into the throws of managing the brand as a whole; from logos and packaging to photography and video content. Currently launching online the sachet based drink just needs adding to water and a vigorous shake to get it activated; it goes down the hatch and your body works harmoniously with the ingredients to work it’s magic so you can do more and be more, you.